Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Epic Penis

They ask, "Does size matter?"

Of course it does! It matters to everyone. Regular Twix or King Size...any Mcdonald's meals medium or large...and Big body Benz. Let me start by admitting, I am a size queen. To me, bigger is better (Not to be confused with The Bigger, The Better...I do have my limitations). Understand that this is simply a preference. You will not get shut down, because you are of medium girth and length. As a matter of fact, you may get play even if your smaller than most, because I have a heart and everybody needs some loving.

Let's start from the top (as you can see I am a Highly sexual being: don't judge me. There is a way to enjoy yourself and still be safe). I have a sexsense (no i didn't misspell six). Dont ask me how, but I have a tendency to tell when a brother is packing. I can tell you it's a compilation of swagga, demeanor, personality, and attitude. So ladies, please stop looking at his height, weight, shoe size (I wonder who came up with that), and nose (ha ha ha). Being a size queen with this gift has its obvious perks, but with every gift there is a curse. Now, in the approximately 85% of my Big Dick Situations(BDS) I have to deal with the overindulged ego.

Yes...daddy, you are holding it down in the bedroom; got me running, screaming your name. Not to burst your bubble, but this does not brainwash me to be a weak bitch. Who's pussy is this? Mine. You are co-owner during sexual actvities (that is if you know what you're doing. Please take note that there are other requirements...just having a big dick is not enough...do you know how to work it?). This is kind of like a sub-lease...it will always belong to me. This means I am the same person before, during, and after. We know there's a time and place for everything. I'll only be your bitch in the bed. Don't test me. Only in relationships do you become a co-signer.

I hate to burst your bubble, but your penis would never be big enough to disrespect me. Granted your package may reward you a higher tolerance level and you may get away with some things, but disrespect...NO. Maybe I'm talking this mess due to my sexsense, but for me big dick comes a dime a dozen, so you and your nasty ass ego can go. Besides, I heard you when you said it was good; a real boost of ego! Thank you!

To my medium-sized brothers...Who ever said "No pain, no gain." is a lie. "It ain't your pencil it's how you write your name." (Mason Betha) I am only a size queen , because there are certain areas I need 'tapped' in order to reach my sexual peak.

I grew up a Tomboy (because I hated girls and girlie ways), so I have a certain connection to my male counterparts. I don't usually get into clowning men with little penises, because they really had no control over the matter...How rediculous would they get if they did have a choice? Lovers...be loving.

I know I am not some raging bitch
Please take heed to this
Before you get up in my face
Know your place
And you will be treated like the King
You were built to be

Signed...The Size Queen

Light tah tah, for now.